5 Big Changes in our First Year

From the day we opened our doors in July 2017, we were ready for big things. We started out with a vision of the kind of service we wanted to provide, and in our first year, we’ve taken steps to make that vision a reality. Here are 5 of the biggest updates and improvements we’ve made in our first year:

New Airplane

We recently added another Cessna 172 to our fleet. It is well-equipped with a Garmin 430W and will make an excellent instrument trainer. Over the next few months, we plan to overhaul the motor and make it ADSB compliant. We are still looking to add to the fleet of 172s. If you know anyone who might be looking to sell theirs, please let us know!

New Career Pilot Training Program

When we first opened, we were focused on recreational flight training. But over time, it became clear that Western PA was in need of a Career Pilot Training program. Our High Gear to Airline Career program is now in full swing, providing all of the necessary training to become a certified airline pilot in as little as 2 years! (We continue to offer recreational flight training. Take a Discovery Flight with us!)

New Staff

We have so many new faces on board! We’ve had to add to our team to accommodate our growing student base. Say hello to John, Carrie, Daniel, Heather, and Christopher!

New Online Store

You can now purchase Discovery Flights and High Flight Academy gear right on our website. We make it easy to give a gift – or to treat yourself! Click here to visit the store.

(Re)New(ed) Commitment to Our Students

You’re the reason we do this. You’re the reason we open our doors at 7:30 AM and don’t go home until after 8 PM, seven days a week. You’re the reason we invest in new equipment, ask for suggestions on how we can serve you better, and always want to keep improving.

Thank you for having faith in us in our first year. We hope you’re as excited as we are about the progress we’ve made so far, and all of the exciting things yet to come.

Photos from Our Birthday Bash – July 22, 2018

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