5 Mistakes Student Pilots Make (and how you can avoid them)

High Flight Academy | Butler Flight School | Western PA and Pittsburgh Pilot TrainingHigh Flight Academy wants to make sure you have the best, most productive lessons. We’ve compiled a few ways for students of all levels to get the most out of their time with us. These are some of the mistakes that are common in student pilots – and how you can be sure to avoid them!

Not studying at home, and not being prepared for lessons.
If you only think about your lessons while you’re at your lesson, you’re doing it wrong. Take time between your sessions to review your notes and study materials so that you’re able to really absorb the lesson. As little as 20-30 minutes will improve your retention and comprehension, and will help make sure your next lesson is spent on learning rather than re-learning.

Being too tense, and having too firm of a grip.

Take a deep breath and relax. Having too much tension and force in your grip can cause you to overcorrect, climbing and descending too quickly. Trust yourself (and the airplane) and you’ll have a smoother flight.

Not asking questions.

Everyone here at High Flight Academy is happy to help you learn! Don’t be afraid to ask us questions or ask for advice. We can answer technical questions about your lesson, of course, but we can also mentor you on your career path. We’ve all been where you are now!

Buying a low-quality or uncomfortable headset.

Your headset is an investment into your hearing, your comfort and your enjoyment of every flight. Feel free to ask us for recommendations if you’re not sure how to choose the right headset. (You could also buy a starter headset now, and reward yourself with a high-end headset once you’ve gotten your license!)

Not being fully invested.

Learning to fly requires you to dedicate time and energy into learning something amazing and new. Fly as often as you can to make sure you’re retaining your lessons, practicing your new skills, and making progress toward your goals!