Shirt Cutting: A Tradition for First Solo Flights

In the lobby of High Flight Academy, you’ll find scraps of shirts hung proudly on display. This isn’t just a quirky decorating choice – it’s a tribute to all of the students who have taken their first solo flight at High Flight Academy.

The first solo flight isn’t just a requirement for your Private Pilot’s License. It’s a bright and exciting moment as all of your lessons pay off! Students are eager to successfully complete their first solo flight, and hear the words of congratulations from their flight instructor. 

But what comes next might be a surprise: the tradition of shirt cutting!

After the first solo flight, the instructor will cut off the back of the student’s shirt. They then write the student’s name and the details of the flight, then we display it in our lobby.

Legend has it that this ritual started in the United States. In the early days of flying, there was no radio communication between the student and instructor, who were often sitting front-to-back instead of side-to-side. To communicate, the instructor had to tug on the back of the student’s shirt. At the end of the first solo flight, this method of communication was no longer necessary, and the shirt tail was no longer needed – so off it came!

So as you’re planning for your first solo flight, think carefully about what you’re going to wear… it’ll become part of our collection!