Skip the Airport – Five Reasons to Get Your Private Pilot’s License

Tis the season…for crazy traveling. Everyone has a holiday travel tale, usually centered on crowded flights, overpriced tickets, endless traffic getting to and from the airport. But what if your holiday travel plans didn’t have to include that headache?

Imagine if you could easily take yourself, your friends, or your family to visit loved ones without losing an entire day to a chaotic airport. Sound too good to be true? This could be your reality once you have your private pilot’s license! Of course, a private pilot’s license doesn’t just help you dodge the airport during the holidays. There are countless reasons it’s a great idea but we decided to look at our top five.

  1. Get Where You Want to Go…Faster

Think about taking a trip. Do you picture spending eight hours navigating highways in your car, dodging traffic and potholes? Or do you picture heading to the airport and losing hours standing in lines and waiting at security checkpoints?

Now imagine how much faster this entire process would be if you could drive to the airport, park your car, then hop in your own plane and head out. Traveling becomes infinitely easier when you strip out the usual headaches it brings. Imagine how much more you’d want to travel? Which brings us to…

2. Flightseeing

Have you been to the Grand Canyon before? And if so, have you ever gotten a full view of it from above? Traveling to sites like this would be time-consuming and expensive if you’re going on a multi-day trip and paying to stay overnight, go on tours, and so on. But if you’re flying your on your own, the possibilities become limitless. Checking out a new, beautiful site could be a regular endeavor! You’ll even gain a whole new appreciation for your own region as you soar above it.

3. Master Your Region

As a private pilot, you’re able to get familiar with your own region in a way few others can. Even if you’ve already mastered the area on the road, flying above the place you call home gives you a chance to learn the area in a way most people can’t imagine. You discover new features and places you would have never seen otherwise. And you do it all from an entirely different view than ever before.

4. Gain a New Perspective and Master New Skills

Flying gives you a new perspective…quite literally. You may know an area on the ground, but flying above allows you to see things in an entirely new way. As you fly, you also put a whole host of new skills to work. Flying on your own provides an opportunity to challenge yourself, engage your brain, and gain a new view of the world, both literally and figuratively. There’s no better way to clear your head of holiday stress.

5. It’s Easier Than Ever!

…thanks to High Flight! By flying with us, you can gain a new hobby, a possible stepping stone to a career, and the freedom to soar wherever your heart desires. You also get to learn from the best while staying close to home. And you’ll develop a passion for flying that lasts a lifetime.

Of course, avoiding the holiday travel madness is a bonus as well! Ready to start your journey towards your private pilot’s license? Click here to get started!